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主要讲员 Keynote Speakers


朱雪玲牧师 Ps Eunice Choo


In 2003, Ps Eunice Choo became a full time pastor and spent 7 years serving the youths and young adults passionately. Ever since she responded to the call of God in 2015 to be an itinerary speaker, it has been a wondrous and exciting journey for her! One of her pet phrases is: “I am fulfilling my dream while walking in God’s Ways.” In the past four years, Ps Eunice has brought the message of the power of the Gospel to many churches around the world and she holds fast to this conviction: true disciples of this generation are those who have been called to follow Him till the very end!


饶康健牧师 Ps Alan Low

自1997年蒙恩得救后,饶康健牧师热心为主委身,1998年就进入全职侍奉。在2004年,他开始带动校园复兴、举办 54C Fight For Christ 青年复兴大会;至今已有12年牧养年轻人的经验。自2009年,擅长门训、传福音,及职场七山的传化的他被主差派到许多不同的教会及国家牧养祂的百姓,包括东甲乡镇教会、及印尼、中国、台湾、香港做宣教及协助教会;至今已20多年的宣教及协助建立教会的经验。而自2017年至今,康健牧师与太太正一起牧养吉隆坡加略山生命堂、育有2男。牧师也拥有美国 Lifeline International Bible Training School 的硕士学位,目前正修读博士学位。

After being saved in 1997, Ps Alan Low passionately gave his life for the Lord and entered into full time ministry in 1998. In 2004, he organized the “54C Fight For Christ Youth Revival Conference” and began to lead a great campus revival. To date, he has had 12 years of experience in youth ministry. Being skilled in discipleship, evangelism and the 7 mountains strategy, Ps Alan Low was also sent by the Lord to many different churches and nations to pastor His people since 2009, including the churches in Tang Kak and to assist the churches in Indonesia, China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. To date, he has had more than 20 years of experience in missions and assisting church pioneering. Since 2017, Ps Alan is also pastoring the Calvary Life Assembly Church with his wife, and they have 2 beautiful children. Ps Alan is also a master’s degree holder of USA Lifeline International Bible Training School, and is currently studying for his PhD.

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